Most orders are delivered within 3-5 days if ordered By credit card, depending on distance from our coastal shipping points. Please allow 7-10 days during seasonal or other mail delays. It is rare, but if you have not received an order within 10 days, please contact your Post Office and then TMI; often packages sit at a local post office and the notice that was left where you live is lost. On occasion, an email or phone order has not gotten to us, due to the vagaries of internet or phone providers.
We confirm the receipt of orders phone or email within 24 hours, with email the preferred method.
Attention to Foreign Customers: Priority International Mail has been very reliable; it usually takes 7 to 14days for delivery and the cost is $40. We use Global Priority Mail with Tracking, which takes about 7 to 14days for delivery and the cost is $40. Any foreign orders returned to us Customs will be credited back to you (refunded) for the full cost of the product, but not for the shipping costs.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
If you would rather pay check or money order, we are happy to have you use that option. Checks are held until clear on first 3 orders, and on all orders over $100. Please contact TMI for details: or (888) 378-0281. Privacy & Security We can best communicate efficiently with you about your order, or product questions via email. Your email address is never rented, sold or given to anyone By TMI.
How to Tell if You Are Getting Real GH3
here is only ONE original formula of GH3. It was created Dr Ana Aslan in the 1950’s and has not been improved upon since then. If you cannot get PROOF from your GH3 source that they have used Dr Aslan’s formula to produce their GH3, or if their ingredient list differs from Dr Aslan’s, then you are NOT getting Original-Formula GH3, period.
To all GH3 users, long-time or new Be aware that there are many imitation products being marketed around the world, masquerading as Gerovital H3. These may be on the Internet, or in slick magazines or flyers. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY FAKE GH3. You can arm yourself with knowledge taking these 3 steps
1) Go to Vitaman’s “Frequently Asked Questions” sheet at the website. In it we discuss why attempts to mimic real Original-formula GH3 combining PABA and DMAE (or whatever else) will not work.
3) Ask TMI for our C of A. TMI is willing to compete for your patronage on a level playing field, but we know of very few companies that are manufacturing real Original-Formula GH3. If they are, we’re completely willing to tell you that they are; we still hope to win your business through * Our efficient and personalized service * Fair & competitive prices * U.S.-based shipping, which saves time and keeps costs down * TMI’s unique tableting & enteric-coating process, which keeps the tablets whole (not broken, powdery, or chipped), yet also avoids unnecessary and costly sugar-coating.
2) Remember, even if they say their product contains procaine, that is NOT enough. They must back this up with proof. Ask for a Certificate of Analysis, or C of A, which would give a true analysis and microbiology of the procaine hydrochloride in their product. TMI tests many other so-called GH3 products on the market, and we find that many of those claiming to have procaine do not have any procaine in them whatsoever.
If you cannot get the C of A from wherever you are buying GH3, we suggest it is questionable whether you are getting REAL GH3. GH3 has a long history, continuing today, of numerous companies trying to jump on the bandwagon manufacturing “fake GH3”. Some of these just contain DMAE and PABA plus herbs like Ginkgo and Gotu Kola; others contain nothing but “chalky” powders compressed into a tablet.
Returns & Replacements
For over 30 years, TMI has served the unique Health, Nutrition and Anti-aging needs of our customers. If you are not completely satisfied with any of our products, we will gladly refund 100% of your purchase, minus shipping costs. For more information on any of our products or services, please contact us: or 1-888-378-0281.
Nothing contained in the Tierra Mega GH3 site should be construed as making any medical or other health claims for any of the products listed. Any statements made on this web site have not been evaluated the Food and Drug Administration. All Tierra Mega products are vitaminic in nature. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, mitigate, or prevent any disease. For medical conditions, consult a licensed health practitioner. Any vitamin, drug, herb, or hormonal products should be taken under the guidance of a licensed health practitioner, and combining such products can be dangerous.
GH3 is back…and now in CAPSULES! We now carry original-formula GH3 only in fast-absorbing, easy to swallow capsules, with no added binding or stabilizing agents. If you see the word “tablets” or “tabs” on our site, please substitute “capsules”. NOTE: Most orders ship in 1 to 2 days, and it may take 5 - 7 days to receive your order. Thank you for your patience.