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Real GH3
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 3 reviews
  Donald Van Zant
After only 4 days !

We received our order of GH3 a few days ago. Remarkable difference for my 77 yr. old wife in only 4 days. She is more alert and difference is readily noticeable. She has had a great deal of pain in her feet as a result of an accident and arthritis. She was not active as a result. Now she is walking and active, even gardening, totally different. We took GH3 many years back when we were younger. It is more noticeable now that we need it so much more.


  Jean L.
My Memory and Well Being So Improved !

Dear Rodger: It had to have been a hand other than mine that turned me to the Laura Lee show that night (you were on). I was just flipping around the dial and heard someone say "GH3". I had been using GH3 since 1982, and at the time it became unavailable I began ordering it from you. I felt absolutely desolate at that time when you wrote me a letter describing what had happened to you with the FDA (raiding you). I think with the stuff you send you should include a paper telling your story, it's so fascinating.

I've told 3 women friends about how wonderful GH3 is. I have been using the new GH3 since the end of October. I'm 75 and have been in a wheelchair for five years and, like other old people, my memory was going fast. It's so much better now! To top it off, I have such a feeling of well-being. I don't hurt at all. It is really quite amazing. I give the credit to GH3, and you, of course. Thanks.

  Sam A. from San Antonio, TX
Results with GH3

Hair restored to natural color. Excess energy that I didn't have before. Memory retention for words/numbers/ideas etc. Feel younger, I am 62 and feel much younger.
Increase in my joyful spirit, almost like it adds to a natural high throughout the day and night.
Definitely recommend to others!