January 13, 2000
Dear Mr. Sless
I am writing to report that I have used GH3 for my demented 83 year old father with good results. Since using the GH3 the dementia has stopped progressing. His cognitive abilities have stabilized since I started using GH3 one and half years ago.
April 26, 1994
Mr. Rodger Sless
Dear Mr. Sless:
Attached is a letter I send to people who inquire as to what I take for arthritis. While I cannot say GH3 was the only medication that worked, it did contribute with no negative side effects. As for testifying, I am usually out of the country six months a year, so it would be difficult for me to do.
I wish you all the luck, knowing that it is an uphill battle I am all to familiar with. Don’t give up.
James Coburn
In response to your letter regarding my battle with arthritis, let me say that I understand your desperation to solve this dilemma. I too went through the process of having the painful symptoms, not understanding what was happening to me, taking many trips to doctors trying to find out what was wrong. I found out I had rheumatoid arthritis. The doctors explained there was no cure, and that I just had to live with it and to continue taking the prescribed medication. Each time it grew more and more costly. The pills they gave me only superficially relieved the pain, and they did not remove the problem. Worse yet, my condition faltered, I began walking slower, and any kind of movement was tremendously painful. Frustrated with the process, I decided to take matters in my own hands.
I stopped all medication except for the occasional aspirin. I went through every possible avenue of health care: exotic, laying-on-hands healing, psychic healing, electromagnetic devices, all of which seemed to help to some degree. I then went on a 15-day fast, drinking fluids only, while every other day taking high-colonics. When I broke my fast eating a light salad, I had an immediate toxic reaction. The following day I had a blood test which revealed that I was allergic to 47 out of the 77 foods I was tested for. I went on a 90-day program eating only foods l was not allergic to, and at the same time, having deep tissue massages every day for 10 months. I started to work out again, with twists and stretches, and cardiovascular workouts. Gradually, my conditioned improved.
From what I’ve discovered, it seems to be genetically acquired. However, negative emotion, deep depression, etc., triggers this disease, and its insidious nature steals the calcium from the bones and deposits it in the muscles causing pain, lack of movement, stiffness, shortening of the tendons and ligaments, and eventual crippling. None of which was told to me the medical profession.
Today, I live a relatively pain free life. I continue to stretch and exercise, and carefully watch my diet. Most importantly, I avoid negative emotion.
Listed below are what I do or take when necessary:
Deep tissue massage
Rhus – extract of poison ivy to reduce inflammation
Edagawa injections – saline solution to increase blood flow and breaks up muscle spasm.
GH3 – Procaine
Colon Therapy
Super-Nutrition High Potency Vitamins
Super C-Cake – High Potency Vitamin C
Multi-Mineral/Niacin supplements
Electromagnetic Therapy
Homotoxocology – BHI
Progressive neuronmolecular facilitation “PNF” – resets muscles
Most of the above has not been approved the FDA, but it is approved my body.
Each person needs his own individual approach to this disease in order to live with it. I chose these therapies through experimenting and finding out what works for me. I urge you not to give up, to try everything. Do consult a nutritionist and/or a doctor who practices in the holistic, naturopathic, homeopathic approach to medicine.
You must do the work yourself. It can be turned around. If any of this can help you, good luck.
April 3, 1994
To whom it may concern:
At the time I first began using GH3, in the fall of 1989, I had begun radiation treatments for breast cancer. I was told to expect a certain amount of fatigue due to the radiation. However, for the entire course of treatments, over a period of three months, my energy levels were higher than before starting treatments, and continued to be high for sometime after discontinuing taking the GH3. I also gained a calm and optimistic outlook, after being depressed and nervous for quite some time previous to taking GH3. I was unfortunately not able to continue taking it, but I feel that it helped me through a difficult time, and I would recommend it highly, especially to anyone going through a traumatic or debilitating episode or condition. I feel it’s especially helpful for cancer patients for those reasons.
January 27, 1994
Dear Secretary Shalala:
I was horrified to learn today of the April 8, 1993, raid FDA and Customs agents on Tierra Marketing in Albuquerque. And at gunpoint, yet!
Do we need Gestapo tactics in America to take off the shelves the one product we have which delays aging, and restores youth to the body?
A friend and I started taking GH3 in 1980. Within two years, he, Dr. Glenn L. Smead, was beginning to get the red color back in his moustache which, like the hair on his head, had been white as the driven snow for years.
As for me, some hair color has returned. I’m 72 now and have noticed other improvements from GH3 use which are more valuable to me, It became apparent early on that the troubles I was having with hypoglycemia were being lessened. A serious hypoglycemic all my life, I am much better able to control it while on GH3. Additionally, the wrinkles began to disappear early on. I do not have the deep facial wrinkles usually associated with my age. These facial wrinkles are not as deep today as they were when I started on GH3! The truth of this is borne out my pictures at that age. No trick photography, no cosmetics to alter the look. Just fewer wrinkles.
GH3 also confers a feeling of well-being. That’s hard to quantify, but it’s there.
Secretary Shalala, I hope you will take a clear look at the practices of the armed armada who went into TMI in April, and who, I’m hearing from other sources, has done the same at other companies, and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. GH3 has, as many in entertainment and government have testified, been proven to be truly the nearest we have to a fountain of youth. While youthful appearance may not be meaningful to some, the improved breathing, skin conditions, circulation, and sugar assimilation certainly should be.
Just to qualify my opinion, I have a 3-year diploma from nursing school, 3 baccalaureate degrees, a masters, and doctorates in both clinical psychology and clinical hypnotherapy. Plus over 50 graduate credits in education and public administration. It is my professional opinion that GH3 works, and it is my profession opinion that GH3 is safe. Thank you for your help in clearing up the miscarriage of justice surrounding it.
February 17, 1994
To whom it may concern:
I am very dismayed you cannot sell any more GH3 products. As a long term user I can vouch for their ability to improve life in general. Please inform me if they become available again, as they help control my high blood pressure and well-being.
March 2, 1994
To whom it may concern:
I have been using GH3, since 1977. It is a wonderful product it truly keeps your organs young. I had to have a back operation in 1990 due to injury on the job. My boss beat me out of disability and I am now back to my original health. When the Dr. operated on me he couldn’t believe the fluid in my back. He commented that he only sees that in 19 year olds, mine was due to taking GH3.
If the USA would give every one in America GH3 free, like Romania did, this would keep people healthy and we would not drain the Insurance companies. I am 56 years old and I can still go without a bra thanks to GH3. My husband had a bad accident 31 years ago. He was a pilot and the plane went down and he ended up with two crushed legs. I met him in 1990 and have had him on GH3 since then. It has alleviated the pain in his legs and he can get a good nights sleep without any pain. This product is wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about it.
Yours for better health,
February 14, 1994
To whom it may concern;
I started using GH3 when I was in my early fifties. I did not age like other people but felt and looked more like I was in my thirties.
At age 62 I went to an M.D. (well known and respected in Kansas City, named Dr. Barry C. Goldman) who absolutely refused to believe I was in my sixties. He said I looked more like I was in my forties, and had the blood pressure of a teenager, and was in perfect health.
Now, at age 66, without GH3 for a year, I’m beginning to age. It would make me so happy to be able to get GH3 again. I simply can’t understand why we should be denied this wonderful help in our lives.
June 14, 1993
Dear Congressman Richardson:
I was shocked to learn that last April Tierra Marketing, Inc. in Albuquerque, N.M. was raided at gunpoint(!!!) agents from the FDA and Customs, there putting the company out of business for all GH3-related products. That respectable business people are treated in such a violent way agents of our government certainly makes me very angry. How come our tax money is not used to stop the heroin and cocaine dealers instead of to smash companies that provide healthy products that help people feel well and live longer?
It is my intention to vote against any California Congress people and Senators who support this atrocious behavior government agents against honest citizens as well as to vote against any legislators who do not vote to pass the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1993 (S.784/H.R. 1709). It is long past time to revamp the FDA so that it will serve the interests of people like me instead of whatever villains it is now serving. I have used GH3 products since 1979, like them, have fared well on them, and am ready to help wage war against any government servants who are not willing to let me buy what I choose to buy.
Very truly yours,
February 4,1994
Re: GH3 and Aslavital
To Whom It May Concern:
In 1986 my wife suffered from double vital pneumonia which left her with residual damage to the liver and heart. The inflammation of the liver cleared up with proper diet and physical therapy and supplementation but the heart did not show any response.
In 1988 I took a group of 24 patients to Dr. Aslan’s Clinic at the Hotel Flora in Bucharest for treatment and care. My wife’s heart was so bad when we got there that the Doctor kept her in bed 3 days. She received daily shots of GH3 and at the end of two weeks was able to take several of the trips to see the city and country-side. Upon our return from Romania she continued to receive the treatment as prescribed the doctor at the clinic. The cardiologist that examined her put her on the treadmill and she went 12 min. and into stage 5 with no distress or sign of cardiac pathology. He said that he never gave anyone a 100% but that he would rate her 98% of a 45 year old and we thought that was very good for a woman 67 years old.
I strongly believe that the GH3 and Aslavital is a fine adjunct to therapy and should be available in the United States.
February 16, 1994
To whom it may concern:
I am writing to report that I have used GH3 for my demented 83 year old father with good results. Since using the GH3 the dementia has stopped progressing. His cognitive abilities have stabilized since I started using GH3 one and a half years ago.